Official Ambassador
With over 300.000 YouTube Subscribers, TheBillartist is one of the TOP world pool instructors at YouTube and, probably, the best in the Spanish language. His videos are very useful for practice and get more knowledge about billiards from a practical view.
Follow TheBillartist
Looking for some Pool lessons?
Check TheBillartist YouTube channel to find some pool lessons or visit his website where you can even find a great library of pool drills www.thebillartist.com.
Visit TheBillartist YouTube Channel
Why TheBillartist as an ambassador?
David, aka TheBillartist, is a very passionate pool player who has built a great billiards community around his YouTube Channel.
He develops great pool lesson with clear explanations which are very easy to follow and that can be very useful to improve your game and knowledge.
We would like to recommend you to watch also his videos from a trip to the Philippines, where he discovered, first hand, the pool culture of that country.
Looking for more pool videos?
Check TheBillartist YouTube Channel!
Improve your game knowledge and apply it to your real games and shooterspool.
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